Brazilian buttlift

Brazilian buttlift


Although the breast surgery is still one of the most often performed plastic surgery, the enlargement of the buttocks is becoming more and more popular. One of the methods used by doctors is the use procedure known as “Brazilian butt lift”. This treatment removes exercise-resistant areas of fat, which tend to accumulate in specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen and thighs, and transports fat cells to a different place – in this case the buttocks. The result is long-lasting, and the patient gains a natural and attractive appearance of this part of the body.


For whom?

Brazilian lifting of the buttocks is a procedure for people who want to get the effect of enlarging the buttocks, while giving them a more attractive shape. This method also provides them with a subtle elevation, which gives them a more youthful appearance. People who want to use it must have adequate amount of fat cells in at least one area of ​​the body.


Enlargement of the buttocks with this method brings the following benefits:

  • A subtle enlargement of the buttocks, while modelling the back, which makes the silhouette look more attractive
  • Long-lasting effect of a fat tissue transplant (for some patients the effect is constant)
  • A natural look, while increasing the firmness of the buttocks
  • Possibility to model other areas of the body during one treatment


The choice of the method of performing gluteal enlargement surgery depends, among other things, on the individual needs and effects that the Patient expects to achieve. The decision is made after a thorough medical consultation.


Brazilian lifting of the buttocks – before the procedure

During the initial consultation, the doctor makes sure that the patient has the right amount of body fat, so that it can be successfully transplanted to another place. It also discusses various ways to achieve the effects desired by the patient.


What does the Brazilian butt lift look like?

The first step is liposuction, thanks to which the doctor obtains the fat tissue necessary for the transplantation. The fat is removed by a narrow cannula, inserted under the skin with micro-incisions, and then sucked out of the body and prepared for injection. The purified cells are injected into the buttocks. The places in which they are served are carefully planned so that the final effect is in line with expectations – buttocks proportional to the rest of the body and beautifully modelled. Procedure may be done in local or general anaesthesia. It last for more less 2-3 hours.



Recovery after liposuction is relatively quick – most patients return to regular activities within a few days. The results are visible immediately, but the final effect should wait until the edema subsides. Such a result can be permanent, provided that the correct and constant body weight is maintained. The process of recovery after the procedure enlargement of the buttocks is quite uncomfortable, because the patient must avoid all pressure on the buttocks – can not sit down and lie on his back for few weeks. It is advisable to lie on the side and belly and use a special seat cushion. The final result of the procedure depends on compliance with these rules.

Brazilian lifting of the buttocks is a popular way to slightly enlarge the buttocks without visible scars after the procedure. To learn more, book an initial consultation.