Brow lift

Brow lift


Over time, both gravity and loss of collagen can lead to significant changes in the upper part of the face. The skin of the forehead and eyebrows may start to fall, which gives the face a nervous, worried or tired look. Eyebrows appear in the eyebrow line, which further aggravate the situation.

The brow lift reverses most of these symptoms, restoring a smoother, more youthful appearance to the upper part of the face. It is performed using two methods: endoscopically or classically – depending on the individual needs of the patient, providing a natural and long-lasting effect.


For whom?

Raising eyebrows will be a safe procedure for Patients who enjoy good general health. It can be recommended if the following problems occur:

  • Dropping forehead
  • Frowning eyebrows that make the patient look tired or worried
  • Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead
  • Vertical lines between the eyebrows

The brow lift (lifting the eyebrows) usually brings very good results, but sometimes it is recommended to combine it with another procedure, for example a face lift or eyelid surgery. Thanks to this, the effects can be definitely better than in the case of one type of surgery.


Brow lift- before surgery

An initial consultation with a plastic surgeon is required prior to undergoing eyebrow surgeries. Its aim is to ultimately qualify the Patient for surgery after discussing his vision of appearance, aesthetic goals and current state of health. All this will allow the doctor to assess whether the procedure can be performed safely and whether it will meet the hopes and expectations set in it. This is also the right time to ask questions and get all the facts necessary to prepare for surgery. You should stop smoking for at least 30 days before procedure.

Methods of performing operations

Elevation of the eyebrows is usually done using one of two methods:

Endoscopic eyebrow lift

Endoscopic eyebrow lift is a less invasive procedure, recommended for patients requiring a smaller correction. Necessary corrections in tissues and muscles are performed very precisely. Small incisions are made in the hairline, eliminating visible scars. Thanks to this the effect is very natural, and the small invasiveness of this method makes patients recover faster.

Classic (open) eyebrow lift

It can be used to reverse major signs of aging in the upper part of the face. A plastic surgeon makes an incision that extends over the scalp. They are placed in the hairline so that after scar healing the scar is not visible. Thanks to this longer incision, more loose skin can be removed while repositioning tissues and muscles for a natural effect. Wound is closed with small sutures which are removed after 7 days.

The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia, and the operation takes about two to three hours or longer if another procedure is performed at the same time.



The patient remains on observation throughout the night, after which he is discharged home. The length of convalescence depends on the type of technique used during surgery. Patients undergoing endoscopic brow lifting generally experience little discomfort and return to regular activities within a few days. Open eyebrows usually require longer recovery, but no longer than a week. Bruises and swellings may persist for several weeks and only after they have resolved you can see the final effect of the procedure. Raising eyebrows provides long-lasting results – most Patients only after many years see the need for any additional procedure.

Raising eyebrows is a great way to rejuvenate the upper part of the face. Make an appointment with dr Szymon Kolacz, for detailed information on this procedure.