Secondary nose correction

Secondary nose correction


Trauma or post-operative complications – these are the most common causes of secondary nose surgery. When deciding to undergo nasal correction, the patient should be aware that this is a complicated procedure that requires the combination of the skills, knowledge, experience and artistic eye of the doctor. Only such a set guarantees full success and satisfaction with the effects.

Secondary plastic surgery is an operation carried out to correct problems that appeared after the first operation of the nose. They may have an aesthetic or functional character. In the case of secondary correction of the nose, the key is to choose a plastic surgeon, because the doctor is the guarantee of success and the creation of a beautiful and natural nose, suited to the rest of the face.


For whom?

Secondary nose correction is directed to patients who are not satisfied with the effects of the first operation. The most common reasons for this dissatisfaction are:

  • Unsatisfied with nose size and shape after first correction
  • Poor healing that affected the result of the procedure
  • Difficulties with breathing

Regardless of the reason for the decision to undergo a secondary nose correction, the patient must be prepared for the fact that this procedure will most likely be more complicated than the first one. Scar, bone and cartilage loss as well as previous incisions can make revision much more difficult. For this reason, patients are advised to wait at least one year from the first operation before they plan a secondary nose correction.


Secondary nose correction – before surgery

Patients who seek consultations for secondary nose correction are usually accompanied by anxiety and uncertainty. It is important, therefore, that the physician who undertakes to perform the procedure, provides the patient with a full range of information about him, and approaches with understanding to fears and doubts. The first consultation with dr Szymon Kolacz consists in listening to the patient, verifying his expectations with the possibilities and choosing the surgical technique. It is important to know your desired outcome. Thanks to this approach, the Patient can be sure that the surgery will meet his precise expectations. You should stop smoking for at least 30 days before surgery. Avoid taking aspirine and anti-inflammatory drugs.


Operational techniques used for secondary nose correction

In the case of secondary rhinoplasty, open nose correction is  applied. This technique combines internal incisions with a single external incision, which provides easy access to the nose structure. An additional incision is made on the column and tissue between nostrils under the nose. It usually has the shape of the letter “Z”, and in addition to minimize the scars after the treatment, very small sutures are used.


What does secondary nose correction look like?

Each nose correction procedure is different – depending on the given anesthesia and time needed for the procedure. Your doctor may recommend local anesthesia with sedation (if the correction is minimal) or general anesthesia (for more extensive surgery). The operation may last from one to two or more hours. During the procedure, adhesions and scars from previous treatments are released, and if necessary, the ear or rib cartilage is transplanted. The treatment plan is always set individually in consultation with the Patient. Wounds are close with small sutures which are removed on 7th day.



The process of convalescence after the secondary operation of the nose looks similar to the first procedure. The patient leaves the hospital the same or the next day. After correction, the nose requires additional stabilization, so the doctor leaves special rails in it which are removed after a few days. You can also expect swelling and bruising that delay the verification of the final effect. Return to everyday activities usually takes place within two weeks, and a more strenuous physical effort is recommended only after one month.


The decision about the secondary correction of the nose is extremely difficult: the patient wants to improve his appearance, fearing another disappointment at the same time. This fear can be compensated only by an experienced doctor who, with the help of his knowledge and skills, will find a way to improve the quality of Patient’s life. If you are looking for such a doctor – make an appointment with dr Szymon Kolacz today and plan your operation in safe and comfortable conditions.